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Mr. Vincent Raditya

”I have never been proud of all of Indonesia great talent to become one of professional worker, I have seen a lot of eagerness in this field but there is alot of constraint such as initial requirements, english level, or sometime financial wise. For Indonesia, I will try to do my best to accomodate all people whether man or woman whether they're rich or average people who is willing to become one of the elite sky professional team, as long as you want it, I will be on your back to support you.”

The concept of family.

Whatever the case we are always trying to assist all students in any condition and more prioritized than other foreign students.

Directly handled by experienced pilots. Problems can consult and learn from Indonesian language.



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Rahman Lie

PPL Graduation










Congratulations Rahman Lie PPL Graduation.

4 Months effective from his start date.

Rahman LiePPL Graduation










Congratulations Rahman Lie PPL Graduation.

4 Months effective from his start date.

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